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State Senator Victoria Spartz

Victoria Spartz represents Indiana Senate District 20, which includes portions of Hamilton County.

Spartz was born in the former Soviet Union, the Ukrainian Socialistic Soviet Republic. There she experienced firsthand the effects of socialism and government control including government confiscation of family farmland and being baptized in secret as observance of religious belief was outlawed. These and many other experiences gave Victoria her strong core values regarding the importance of being ever vigilant in the cause of protecting and defending liberty from the overreach of government.

She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in International Business from the National University of Economics in Ukraine, where she learned the merits of free enterprise markets and deregulation. She moved to the United States in 2000 after meeting her husband, Jason, a native Hoosier.

Victoria’s first job in the United States was as a bank teller in Hamilton County where she made near minimum wage. Understanding she could not raise a family on such a starting salary, Spartz pursued her Master’s in Professional Accountancy from the IU Kelley School of Business, and passed the CPA exam, going on to work in public accounting and auditing some of the largest corporations in the world. She ultimately was promoted to leadership roles in quality control, training and standard setting, and management opportunities for some of the most challenging Fortune 500 engagements, leading to a successful Big 4 public accounting career. She left this full-time career with long hours and significant travel behind in order to spend more time with her young family.

Spartz went on to teach at the Kelly School of Business in Indianapolis and built several businesses in Hamilton County from the ground up, including a successful commercial farming operation, which she still works today.

Through her life and business experiences, Spartz understands how intrusive government can be in our lives, and how hard overregulation makes it for the average person to succeed. Looking to make a difference in her state and community, Spartz became involved with the local Hamilton County Republican party, serving as a volunteer, and ultimately becoming President of the Hamilton County Republican Women, Vice-Chairman of the Hamilton County Republican Party, and currently serves as Secretary for the 5th Congressional District Republican Central Committee.

In 2017, with the retirement of longtime State Senator Luke Kenley, Victoria stepped up to public service and announced her intention to seek the District 20 seat, where she was elected by local Republicans to fill the remainder of Kenley’s term. Her priorities include limiting government control in our lives, promoting deregulation, and enforcing the rule of law while protecting the freedoms and equal protections ensured to us in the Constitution.

Spartz lives in Noblesville with her husband and their two daughters.